Kanban Reciept Scrap reason where is it stored

Hi thanks for the help, yes it is the bug then , we have decided to not worry about the reason code in the report, we can kanban the part and the qty to a bin and report on that and will live without the reason, thank you for the help

Hi, Hoping someone can help, We are using Kanban receipt to scrap certain waste to  non nettable bins for tracking purposes, Everything is working fine and my reports are working fine, The Issue I have is I can not find where the scrap reason is being stored within the kanban job, I have scrap qty etc everything except the reason or reason code, does anyone know where the reason code is stored thanks from a kanban receipt. I did find a reason code in the labordtl but nothing appeared in those fields when I ran a report on a specific kanban job, and I cannot find it in the parttran table either


sorry for got to say I am running vantage 8.03
Are you booking as Scrap or Nonconformance?  Both these codes should be stored in the LaborDtl table (ScrapReasonCode and DiscrpRsnCode).  The only other question I have is are you also booking 'good' production parts at the same time as this transaction as there is a bug in Vantage with Kanban Receipts and only booking 'bad' parts.

---In vantage@yahoogroups.com, <pwrightnz92@...> wrote :

sorry for got to say I am running vantage 8.03

Hi thanks yes we are booking as Scrap with a reason code, which we cannot find afterwards, I have made a BAQ to look at a specific kanban job we have scrapped, and cannot see any reference in the labordtl table on that job. Can you please explain what you mean by good and bad parts ?

From the screenshot 'good' parts would be where the 'Quantity' field is - if you only book scrap quantity and this field is zero then there is a bug in Vantage. 

This was the response we received from Epicor:

"it appears that if you transact only a scrap quantity then the record does not appear on the LaborDtl file. It may be possible to work round this by creating a UD attribute and transacting a quantity in this attribute with recording any production quantity. This should create the LaborDtl record with the UD attribute. If it does then you could use this as the scrap quantity so you can report on it."

In the end we decided to prevent entry of any scrap unless a Production Quantity was also entered.