Kevin something something idle youth

Hello all, I haven’t managed to connect the Expense Management app to my on-prem server. Anyone able to shed some light on this?

Appserver config is Windows by default and “Allow Windows” checked.

I have a FQDN and matching certificate and I can log in to REST help:

I’m an active employee with expense reporting and approval


I have expense permissions in my profile

If it means anything, I’ve always been able to log in to kinetic in the browser using basic auth but never windows (IE LDAP) auth.

I’m sorry, I don’t have anything constructive to say. I just wanted to comment on how 90s this looked.
Takes me back… :rofl:

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Horrible person. You mean the fact that I still use browser shortcuts? Change the background? Or just that you Gen-Z guys are administrating your servers from, I don’t know, snapchat or something?

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You take that back!

I’m Gen X you meanie.

Now I can’t unsee it

I hope you feel bad enough to get constructive now

I’m currently searching for space themed trapper keepers, I dunno what that tells ya.

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That my Monday is your Friday?

Now you too can get your Chrome to match your trapper keeper.

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Yes we have Time and Expense setup but we’re only using it for time not expenses at the moment.

moved to appropriate topic so that I could argue the superiority of Canada’s “Finder Binders” in the aforementioned decade.