Kinetic 2023.1 upgrade of LIVE for Cloud - anyone else having issues? -

I have logged into three customers that I support - all failed.
Have reinstalled client - followed the artical, still working on resolutions.

Sent a case into Epicor -
One solution is this Knowledge article.

IceShell.Apps.LogonDialog error when trying to log into the Kinetic/ERP clientKB0043629

Authored by Nathan Anderson • 901 Views • about a year ago • ()() () () (*)

[ Print](javascript:void(0))


One user on one machine is receiving the following error when trying to launch the Epicor Kinetic/ERP smart client shortcut.


The invocation of the constructor on type ‘IceShell.Apps.LogonDialog’ that matches the specified binding constraints threw an exception


  1. Open Windows File Explorer, and type %LOCALAPPDATA%\Epicor in the navigation field then press Enter.

  2. Left click on the folder that begins with the name epicor.exe_StrongName.

  3. Press the Delete key on your keyboard or click Delete in Windows File Explorer’s toolbar.

  4. Launch the Epicor Kinetic/ERP client shortcut again and try to login to verify it is now functioning as expected.


Yes, I’m having issues (only in the Smart Client). Http failure response for (our cloud URI). 401 OK. Currently reinstalling and hoping that it resolves the issue.

For anyone else having this issue, reinstall did not fix it, but deleting the folder @LarsonSolutions posted about did.

Edited to add: THANK YOU @LarsonSolutions for the tip!

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I am still having an issue with the SmartClient -
I did have an issue with a Personalization on the SystemMonitor that I deleted.
Now I am getting the following issue.

Application Error

Exception caught in: System.Xml

Error Detail

Message: Root element is missing.
Program: System.Xml.dll
Method: Throw

Client Stack Trace

at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Read()
at System.Xml.XmlReader.MoveToContent()
at System.Data.DataSet.ReadXml(XmlReader reader, XmlReadMode mode, Boolean denyResolving)
at System.Data.DataSet.ReadXml(String fileName, XmlReadMode mode)
at Ice.Lib.Framework.FormFunctions.ReadDataSet(Object Sender, DataSet ds, String FileName, String Type, XmlReadMode mode, String& FilePath)
at Ice.Lib.Customization.CustomLayeringManager.LoadCustomizationPersonalization(String custLayerInfoName, String custFileName)

After several attempts I finally connected.
Cleared the client cash files each time.
C: Program Data \ Epicor
C: Users \ whoever \ AppData \ Local \ Epicor
Press OK on errors.
Personalization errors on forms I just tell users to Press OK, then Tools / Save Layouts.

Also get this error -

Have deleted the folder again - that didn’t work.

BTW - I am now able to log into other customer sites - it’s just this one.

Also, I was able to log using Modern and Classic.
(good thing that Classic is still available)

What’s the detail say?

401 is unauthorized.

Logging in with two different users.
One a security manager, other is a “general user”


One of these, probably have to open up debug tools in the browser to see the full message since
it seems to be truncated to “GetUserSe” lol


Epicor has been able to replicate the issue

It’s not just me…

**From EpicCare - **
Working on this, seems like a server issue, as a workaround try using modern or classic view, this should let you login.

Last update - need to log off because I am traveling.
Epicor has posted this issue.

Click this link if you want to be updated on the issue.

It appears that the solution they put in 1 1/2 hours after they closed the issue worked.
When I logged in - I had a personalization on the system monitor that causing an error to pop up.
I fixed that myself.

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