Kinetic Field Binding... again

Can somebody please explain how the hell to bind a variable in Kinetic? I guess I better tell you the context as it seems depending on where you are using a feature, it’s different… which is pretty silly.

Went thru this thread with no luck

I have an erp-combo-box bound to a BAQ. Works well enough (though there seems to be a bug where you can properly bring in multiple columns in the display field).

Now I need to filter it. Row Filter or Search Filter are fine. Explicit filter like:
Part_PartNum = ‘MyPart’ works just dandy. Now just to bind it to a dataview field.

I have tried umpteen different variations and the tracing never shows any variable replacement.
PartNum = ‘{MyView.MyField}’
PartNum = ‘{{MyView.MyField}}’
PartNum = ‘?{MyView.MyField}’
PartNum = ‘??{MyView.MyField}’
PartNum = ‘?[MyView.MyField]’
PartNum = ‘[MyView.MyField]’

And probably a handful of other ones. It absolutely should not be this hard for a simple task.

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You might try to put your filter in the BAQ options of your combo (Where or Where List) - and the BAQ will then be executed whenever your bound field changes.

and here it would be PartNum = ‘{MyView.MyField}’

Thanks for the response. In my version the UI tells me not to use Where as its now obsolete and refers me to the field I am using.

I ended up just creating a BAQ view, filtering it, then binding the combo to that. It works… but it’s still stupid you have to trial and error your way through multiple methods to get stuff to work in this framework.