Kinetic is the New Name for Epicor ERP

Is the rumor true that Classic is unsupported in 2 years?

That’s what they’ve been saying…

“unsupported” is a pretty strong term… if you call them with an E10 question some years down the road it’s not like they’re going to hang up on you. However, I bet we can be pretty sure that there won’t be any more development done on the Smart Client user interface, and over time support for it will dwindle as resources for that support become unavailable. Have you tried to call for support on Vantage 8 lately?


We had trouble with Kinetic on .700. Blank kinetic forms being chief problem. Epicor Support told us to go ahead and Disable them all. Once disabled we have all the standard forms available and all the cumulative fixes. No reason not to go to .700. Better to get the last Non-Kinetic version into usage now and let Kinetic 11 mature a while before your next upgrade. Just my opinion.


I got word yesterday that they found the issue with the blank screens and will fix it in 2021.1.

They also mention that they will roll this fix into 10.2.700, but were unsure of the timeline.

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I have gone into the user settings and set the default form type to Classic.
Two ways to do this,
By the user on their home page is settings/preferences.

or by going into User Account Maintenance - in the list view.
Base= Classic, Default = Kinetic.
Hide Kinetic Toast didn’t work for me to hide the Kinetic Pop ups.


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Great! They have not update my Case yet at all.

On our support case it will be fixed in

Problem PRB0233957 have been updated:
PD State have been updated to: Completed
Resolution have been updated to:

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Just an opinion from a company that is ISO compliant. Does Epicor marketing realize how many control documents will need to be updated with just that new name? Every update from Vantage to 10, we were able to fall back on Epicor ERP as the reference. Job security and all but complete removal of is a huge pain.


You may want to make that a Field in Word (if that’s what you use to do your ISO documents) because I suspect that the 2021 version won’t be with us long. :thinking:

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“I suspect that the 2021 version won’t be with us long.”

I’ll put in a change of request due date of 1/1/2022 and pray.

I’m fortunate to be in charge of both ERP and ISO 9001 here… I just get management to sign a statement that xyz naming change is considered immaterial and no backwards-looking changes are required. Done this in many areas. No NCs from our ANAB-certified registrar for several years.


I had a PCB program with version names:

  • Altium Designer Summer 09
  • Altium Designer Winter 09

Forget that they were both in the same year, but who was the genius that decided “Winter” was specific? Aren’t both January and December of 2009 considered “winter”?

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Not in Australia Mate.

I think this is why Microsoft has gone to H1 and H2 or use the months of the year.

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Aren’t both January and December of 2009 considered “summer”, Mate?

Isn’t January through December 2009 considered “summer” in Ecuador? :thinking:

Epicor has also felt the effect of this naming change… all documentation, help files, screens, websites, educational materials, etc, had to be updated with the new marketing name of Kinetic. Hey… When the latest color scheme change happened, it again caused additional changes to everything.

But back to your options, it seems like @SteveFossey’s suggestion would support your need. I also did a quick internet search and found a few articles on the subject with varying opinions:

We’re bound to a bit more of a strict interpretation as we work mostly in Gov. contracting. They can send us blueprints that look like they were filled out on a cocktail napkin by an 8 year old using crayons. They say deal with it, but if we send them a controlled document with a word in a different font, “OMG! stop everything and do an audit”.

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You can refer to it as “ERP Software” in the end user procedures, if the end users understand what that is during an audit. You could also add a definitions document, and define ERP with examples of Epicor/Kinetic/Whatever if necessary. Do what you say, say what you do…

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hopefully this doesnt go the same way “Sonoma” did with v8. Who remembers that fiasco