We use a couple PCs (key/rodent) in the shop to collect data. The first problem I thought would be "spying" on the "innocents". A little of that, but mostly "data errors" by the "ignorant/lazy" was more of the problem. We never stopped using the paper
time tickets as well. Lot's of grumbling, but: A) people still mess up on the data. B) during power outages and other odd events, its nice to have data.
The PCs get pretty filthy, but haven't stopped working. By the way, take a look inside some office PCs sometime. Quite a bit of filth as well. The difference here (a machining environment) is that the filth in the shop is sticky/greasy type stuff, while
the office units collect dust bunny type stuff. I think the shop stuff is worse on human lungs than PCs. I think the shop greasy stuff tends to coat components - causing heating probs - while the office fluffy stuff tends to cause probs in drives and fans.
Operationally we have a person that must review each and every transaction to ensure accuracy. I feel it's worth it, because I can count on the data. Eventually I hope to phase out the time tickets, but never with new hires.
Best of luck...
Rick Gors
Horace Beale wrote:
time tickets as well. Lot's of grumbling, but: A) people still mess up on the data. B) during power outages and other odd events, its nice to have data.
The PCs get pretty filthy, but haven't stopped working. By the way, take a look inside some office PCs sometime. Quite a bit of filth as well. The difference here (a machining environment) is that the filth in the shop is sticky/greasy type stuff, while
the office units collect dust bunny type stuff. I think the shop stuff is worse on human lungs than PCs. I think the shop greasy stuff tends to coat components - causing heating probs - while the office fluffy stuff tends to cause probs in drives and fans.
Operationally we have a person that must review each and every transaction to ensure accuracy. I feel it's worth it, because I can count on the data. Eventually I hope to phase out the time tickets, but never with new hires.
Best of luck...
Rick Gors
Horace Beale wrote:
> We are beginning the evaluation to add data collection. Can anyone share[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> their experiences with the 2 alternatives: Labor Collector Gateway with TT5
> terminals vs. the VantagePoint Data Collection.
> I find it interesting that our Epicor sales rep is steering us away for the
> Gateway solution and I have noticed a few negative remarks in egroups.
> Any insight given will be appreciated.
> Sincerely,
> Horace Beale
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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