Lock Everyone Out of Company

It’s a sad day :cry:, this is the last post I will be starting in E10. I’m moving on up to the cloud side. To that deluxe government database in the sky.

Anyways, we are multi company and I am wondering what would be the best way to lock everyone out of a company except for a couple of users. I can’t turn off Epicor at the server, so I am looking for the quickest and easiest suggestions for how to do it. I was thinking running a DMT to delete the company from users. :man_shrugging:t2:

Thanks in advance.


Make sure you ask for a 50,000$ pay-raise because troubleshooting things with Cloud is WORK! Pulling teeth, blind spots… might as well run your own cloud in Azure and have more control :slight_smile:

Good Luck.


You could use this BPM I have that sets everyone as Auditor ReadOnly mode. Perhaps throw in if Company is YourCompanyID. It only does that on the Menu Level and might be sufficient?



I feel like the cloud providor is supposed to handle that for you… at least that’s what the whole selling point is (for certain cloud offerings), isn’t it? :wink:

And I guess it depends on what you are troubleshooting too.

So when your BPM throws an exception, how long until they send you the Event Viewer log? :slight_smile: I get to mine in a second… others have noted they have to go through some requests and wait.

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I am totally with you Haso :wink:

I use DMT and Expire all non-Security Managers.

Cloud or On-Prem:

  • Developers should be on their own system with test data and never work in production servers.
  • Use Observability tools like Open Telemetry for logging, tracing, and performance work in production.
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If you’re cloud, do you have a license to install locally for Dev? I was always told we couldn’t do that.

That would be for all Companies though? Not just the one I need to block access too.

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In that case Epicor must make MRP and Multi-Company so fail proof it never fails in Production. It is so buggy :slight_smile: when the wind blows it falls apart.

But yes Developers work in DEV of course. But even requesting a PRD Database copy can take time. We have a button it clones PRD to TRN/DEV/TST in 15min. So when Production has an issue, we do a copy and diagnose in TRN On-Prem.

Not sure. I’ve only come from companies that moved to cloud from on-prem and still had access to the downloads and the License Key.

I mentioned to Bart years ago that Epicor should provide education images (one for each major release) to run in their cloud, or in a private cloud, or for on Prem. Like Haso notes below, this should be ENTIRELY automated.

PRD to Test, Stage or Pilot is fine. But Production data must be be treated like production data wherever it is. You don’t want to happen to you what happened to Fox. Data leaks through copies of production data for developers happen far too often.

Yes, it’s work, but development should build test data that is used to verify their changes and use that data for automated testing. :person_shrugging:

See, I’m not always adding work to sysadmins!


For sure, I use a database thats 1yrs old. It’s good enough. We always code for flexibility. But with Epicor you will find some random bug appear, it just makes it easier to troubleshoot those, they happen often.

Example, I had recently.

I can duplicate the database easily, it helps, then I can debug IIS and go to Epicor with facts, otherwise I’ll be on a ping-pong Webex call for 3 months :slight_smile: (been there done that).

But I guess if you run Azure under your own control like Jose does, you still have all that freedom, just don’t get boxed in by some Vendor who doesn’t give you the freedom (Multi-Tenant stuff).

True! Having the Observability Tools would probably benefit Epicor even more than the users as they could see errors before the users do quickly after any updates. Manual debugging should be the last resort. The best support call is NO support call! :wink:

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