Method Directive - Access Values in Table

In a C# Epicor BPM, how do you access items from the a tt table? I thought it’s like this:

  var company =  ttShipHead.Company; 

But that’s not working. I’m getting this error:

System.Drawing.Bitmap	CS1061	'ShipHeadTable' does not contain a definition for 'Company' and no accessible extension method 'Company' accepting a first argument of type 'ShipHeadTable' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

How can I access the values in the fields of the ttShipHead?

var company = (from t in ttShipHead select t.Company).FirstOrDefault();

Or something like that

Thank you that worked great. Then I did some playing around with that code to learn how to access the data from the ttShipHead row a little easier.

I found I could get the shiphead dataset into a variable for easy reference like so:

var   sh = (from t in ttShipHead select t).FirstOrDefault();
var   company = sh.Company; 
var   shipViaCode = sh.ShipViaCode;

Hope this helps any newbie that may have been as lost as me.

yup, exactly. I’m new too… learned this stuff only a few months back.