Moving Forms From Classic To Kinetic

I just did a Sandbox upgrade from 10.2.700 to 2022.2.8. However, I cannot get 2022.2.8 to load screens into the Kinetic forms/screen by default if the form was previously selected to load in classic view. I have went into user settings, selected form to use to kinetic, cleared the cache, exited, and then logged back in. The forms still load in classic. How can I reset the system (for everyone) to load screens in kinetic and start over with users selecting classic forms as needed?

I have a support case open but Epicor doesn’t even know the answer and Epicor designed it. lol.

Has anyone else experienced this and do you have any solutions?

I have found if there are customizations to the screen (on the menu), it will always load the classic form in the Client. If you go in through the web it will load the Kinetic version.

We have come to the conclusion (as have others I believe) that all customizations should be redone from scratch in Application Studio. I have found the upgrade tool to be spotty on even some of our simple customizations.


I have purged and removed all personalization’s thinking that could be the case, but the screens still default to classic. There should be a method or setting to default screens to back to kinetic if they were used in classic without using the web. Seems silly Epicor would allow us to go back to classic forms so easily but make it difficult to move forms back to the platform they are promoting.

Thanks, Rick


As Doug mentioned, do you have any customization (not personalizations) on those forms? If so, they won’t automatically load in Kinetic.

Your options are to either:
A - Click on the ‘Open Kinetic in Web Browser’ button under your profile (bottom left corner of the homepage, person icon) and get access that way (since Kinetic apps are the only ones that will run there).


B - Create a new menu item that points to the Kinetic app instead of the classic version. We did this for a few that we’re running side by side for comparison testing.

I’ve had a few EpiCare cases open from spring this year about converting classic to kinetic customizations, and both have a completed in 2023.1 status.

  • PRB0247184 - DASH: System Configuration Upgrade Dashboard does not display all Customizations that are saved in the DB

  • PRB0247137 - CONV - Conversion 180 does not convert a simple Classic Customization, and provides no information as to why not.)

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I get lost with this, too.

I know of two ways to force classic screens to open:

  1. Set it for everything

  1. Or do it screen by screen (hold the Alt key when opening and you get the “Form to Use” option like above but it affects just that screen).

I already forgot, but I think option 1 is stored here:


I think the question is how do you mass-undo option 2 (screen by screen classic)?

(If it’s not @RWB 's question, it’s mine!)

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Jason, yes, the question is how do you mass-undo option. Per other responses, I checked customizations and we do not have any for the forms but still cannot mass undo. :thinking:

Thanks, Rick

Maybe in Kinetic Application Maintenance? I’m on 10.2.700, but maybe something similar is in later versions?

Thanks, but I believe in 2022.2 the Kinetic Application Maintenance screen no longer exists.

Huh, somehow I missed the 30 (!) posts on this - I did not know this screen existed - but apparently they moved it in your version.

Way back when Kinetic was fairly new, there was something in the conversion workbench that would do the migration for you. We never ran it, because I was warned it removes the classic option from the menu completely. Any chance that’s what happened?

I’m also curious (if anyone here knows) - Does Epicor’s signature methodology deploy brand new customers with Kinetic only, by default, with no classic screens available? Or do they get both, like us legacy installs?

I’m assuming both, since not everything even has a completed Kinetic Screen.

New SaaS customers get Kinetic only, sans a few select screens; BAQ, Method Directives, Data Directives, a few others.

Still able to create new menu items using the the classic .dlls.

To force Classic in 2022, there are three fields in the Menu table that need specific settings:

OptionType = “I”
DefaultFormType = “Default”
Arguments = remove the “-KineticUI” flag leaving all others

To use the DMT, if you’re on SaaS, you also have to add your Company ID in the Company column.

You have to go into menu maintenance change the form type to kinetic on every individual menu item. But that won’t allow you to apply a kinetic customization. To apply a kinetic customization you have to copy the menu item to the current company, change the type to kinetic app, and then select the customization.

This process is my biggest complaint with kinetic - its absurd how much work it is to change just one screen to kinetic, when you are dealing with customizations. For example, customer/customer tracker is 20 unique menu items. Times 3 companies. That is 60 times I have to go in, copy to current company, change to kinetic app, and select the customization. 60!!! And that’s just for ONE program. It defies belief why any software company thinks this is reasonable. And they WANT people to switch to kinetic? And yes this is the only way to do it per epicor support, there is a KB article and everything.

For the screens that don’t require customization, you SHOULD be able to just flip the form type from classic to kinetic in DMT, but for me, the DMT on menu didn’t work. When I logged a case on that, they declined to fix the problem with the Menu DMT, I don’t understand why but I gave up arguing about it. So again its manual (but at least doesn’t have to be done separately for every company).

Thanks for everyone’s responses. Here I thought there would be a simple solution, but it looks like several people have run into similar situations. I agree with Alisa. It is supposed to be easy to embrace the new technology. No difficult and time consuming. I feel bad for the companies that have many customizations, etc., since switching for them will not be easy on several levels. We will see how Kinetic moves forward but I think sunsetting the classic interface is going to take quite longer than Epicor is predicting.


That is technical & poor design debt that they don’t currently want to pay for.
They want you to pay for it.

There is no reason, that by default, there should be 20 separate instances of a form/app in
every menu tree imaginable. At most it should be shortcuts to a single instance.
If someone needed a custom form, then it should be handled by assigning it to groups/user.


Have you ever been successful in creating a new menu item using the classic .dlls? We are a new SaaS customer, with Kinetic only. We have tried to create a new menu item for a classic form by setting the Program Type to Menu Item, which presents the Classic program box. However, whenever I search for a classic program, I get the “Sorry! Something when wrong…” message. I had a consultant send me a few classic forms to type in, and I get the same error when I try to save it.

I have not, but I am sure some of the other users here have. When we created a new classic form and attached it to a menu we used a consultant.

While in Menu Maintenance go to your Top Right Actions menu “Set Client Share”

The default location is wrong. Replace the last part with your environment name; ex. SaaS5201Pilot

This should allow you to search for and enter the classic .dll program names. *I always make the classic Menu Maintenance screen first

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Thank you…that basically solved my issue. I still have strange things happen with the Classic program search…When I filtered the search results to programs containing ReportEntry and selected the 1 that was displayed, I got a totally different program returned to my menu item (Ice.UI.AccessScopeEntry.dll). However, by copying the exact program name from the search results and pasting it into the Classic Program field, I was able to successfully reach the classic version of the form.

Thanks again for the insight…I’ve been trying to add some classic forms during a new implementation of Kinetic without luck, until you helped out!

