New context menu unavailable to users


I have added a new context menu for OrderHed.OrderNum.
as the Help indicated, clicked on Customization Mode so all user can access.

The menu is launching a UDForm which loads correctly when the menu is clicked from the menus.

But right click on the OrderNum, the new context menu is unavailable from the list.

I cleared the cache, logoff and log back in. and still unavailable.

I test using the order entryu form, right clicking on the ordernum.

Am I doing it wrong here ? What am I missing?



Wow, the same guy as my previous support call looked into this issue… which of course, because he connected to my computer … all was working as expected…

Again EpiMagic!

I am going somewhat a bit crazy here… :crazy_face: :rofl:

I think context menus have that developer checkbox on them if I recall and that can be the difference between you seeing it and other users not.

Feel free to tell me different, flying a blind with no Epicor in front of me.

Yes Simon… When checkbox is set, the context menu is available to all users. And it is how I set it up.
We do not give such access to our users (modify themselves the menu context… ) … not sure how efficient the checkbox is then. I would have liked maybe a selection box of users where we could set a sublist of users that would allow access, (like the menu access) that would, in my opinion, have been a better implementation…

Will probalby add this to the Ideas page.


New development !
I did not close and open Epicor when support left me yesterday. As soon as I did , it was not working again.

Another Epicor case neede to be created… :roll_eyes:

Support calling back and here is the source of the issue: A personalization of the list.

When you create a new context item, without the Customization Mode checkbox set, it is an item only available to you. Doing so creates a personalisation. (Unfortunatly, it does not show it as for Forms, where you can see the user id.)

So when a perso exists, it has precedence over the other list (where the Customization Mode checkbox is checked).

So in order to make it all work again, You have to show the list with Customization Mode unchecked, select the menuID (in my case OrderHead.OrderNum) and select delete.

What will now show is the same list as the one with the Customization Mode checked.

Close and open Epicor and all is now working as expected!

Now a happy camper!


NOTE: I wander why this checkbox exists then, as soon as a perso menu item is added, any subsequent general menu item will not be available to that user! because of the perso…
Maybe be a bug?

I think it’s one of those things that came from an earlier version and has not changed or really reported as needing to be more intuitive.

Glad you got it fixed though.