"No records selected" error on Dashboard Autoprint

Hello all,

I have a BAQ report (a label), that I have setup to print from a dashboard with a checkbox. It works fine. Sometimes. Other times, frequently, when I trigger the report, I get a “no records selected” error. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to it.

This is the BAQ. It has 2 parameters set (I originally started with only KEY1 as parameter but added KEY5 when I encountered this issue):

I have set these fields as “Options” in the BAQ report builder. I have set my parameters on the data directive.

I can’t figure out what my issue is. Sometimes the report generates fine…hmmm.

Any input would be awesome. Thank you!


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So with two parameters they must both be true.

Is the “Skip Condition when empty” box selected on either parameter?

Hi there,

I actually feel like I should be able to make this work with one parameter, as I had originally thought. KEY 1 is a datetime stamp that is set by BPM when a new record is added to UD20. Since they are all unique vales, am I right in thinking this should pass the dashboard line to the report every time?

The “skip condition” box is not checked, as there should always be a value set for KEY1.

What about Key5? Is its “Skip Condition…” checked?

Neither were checked. KEY 5 is jobNum which should also pass a value every time. But really, I dont see why I need more than one parameter. I just took off KEY 5 and am trying to troubleshoot with KEY 1 only. The report will generate for a line (or not) and then the same one wont generate if I come back 2 minutes later. Its a conundrum, as I was hoping to go live with this next week. But its wobbly.

Is it possible that all KEYs for the UD table need to be parameters?