Does E10 filter out whitespaces and other non-ASCII characters in key fields?
I have about 6 parts in V8 that have a trailing space (ASCII 32) on the end of the PartNumber. And one with a trailing character that appears as a space, but has ASCII value 160 (decimal).
Also, a handful of parts have an em dash (the longer one that MS word likes to substitute for the normal one of ASCII 45. It shows up as ASCII 150.
I’m pretty sure these work their way in when people to copy and past from other docs or the Internet.
No, E10 treats the characters ‘As Seen’. If there’s an issue your DMT will show the error, but there shouldn’t be a problem in translation. Not to mention E10 is a Microsoft Product
What if someone creates a new PN, and pastes the new PartNum from their clipboard. But the “dash” in the data in the clipboard was really an “em dash”.
Well, I just did a test. Each of the following P/N’s can coexist in the Part Master
Those are technically different part numbers, you could probably write a BPM to remove any non std character or raise an exception… using some fancy bit of RegEx
I apologize for not completely understanding, but the answer I gave holds true. Epicor does treat them as seen. So if there’s a difference between part numbers Epicor will see it and treat it accordingly. In this case Epicor treats it as a different part number.
I think you were hoping Epicor would give an error saying, “Duplicate Found”. You can write a BPM that do that for you.
A few times I’ve seen issues where the character is one that is used by printer or scanner. Since you cannot see it on the screen, it can take a while to figure out why the printer or scanner is doing something different for those parts.
It becomes particularly fun when the field is passed to some other integrated system (one time it was a printer attached to a shipping scale).