Occasionally I see the following error while importing records
“PartNum is a key column and cannot be changed.”
I get this when importing Part or PartRev records, and seems to be for the same PartNum’s.
A P/N in question is “ASY-HS-I-1100-04.00” It’s not the format, as there are a dozen similar P/N’s that process just fine (like “ASY-HS-I-1100-05.00” and “ASY-HS-I-1100-06.00”).
Happens whether the Part (or PartRev exists prior to processing the import file).
This makes no sense, as the PartNum is a key record, so it would be what is used to determine if an existing record exists.
If a record exists for that PartNum (combined with other keys like Company), then the mode is Update. And an update doesn’t change the key fields.
If a record doesn’t exist, then the mode is Add. And adding a record shouldn’t run into problems regarding changing key fields.
I have ran into this as well and figured out that it is case sensitive. If the existing partnum is “ABCDE” and you try to update using partnum “abcde”, it will give you that error.
BTW - In my case I found a difference in the case between the Part, PartPland and PartWhse tables that was causing this error. A request to Epicor Support for a Data Fix to get the values in sync should resolve similar issues.