Notify Customer Email

Greg wondered:
> We were doing some research on something the other day and stumbled accross the notify flag and
> notify email fields in the OrderHed table. Did more looking into it and noticed that they are in the shiphead also.
> The questions started to arise.
> If you setup your ship to contact and an email address does this get pulled into these fields above?
> And if they do is there somewhere in the system you set the flag to tell the system the notifyflag is set to 1
> and send an email on the shipment? Or is this setup through a system global alert?

I believe these fields are used by the InSite/Advance/Express Ship
products. In V8, I don't think the the emails we're copied
automatically but I know they do in 9.04.504B. The fields can be used
in UPS and Fedex's notification system in you write your own interface
or by the InSite packages. I don't believe there is any other
functionality in the vanilla product.

Mark W.
We were doing some research on something the other day and stumbled accross the notify flag and notify email fields in the OrderHed table. Did more looking into it and noticed that they are in the shiphead also. The questions started to arise.

If you setup your ship to contact and an email address does this get pulled into these fields above? And if they do is there somewhere in the system you set the flag to tell the system the notifyflag is set to 1 and send an email on the shipment? Or is this setup through a system global alert?

If anyone has any information on this or can guide me somewhere to get information on this it would be greatly appreciated. We ran accross this and it started to spark some interest but we can't find any information on it really.
