OT - [V6] Setting up in China

Good morning all.

We're currently setting an office up in China where we'll be using Vantage
via Terminal Server to connect. We were hoping to locate the server here in
the UK so if there were any problems I could deal with them direct but we've
hit a snag with the speeds.

When this topic has come up before I've noticed that people have had to
relocate their servers to China and use TS to connect to it there. At the
moment I'm struggling to be able to get any real tests done so I'm in
desperate need of this groups experience and knowledge!

So to my questions......What types of lines are people using to connect
remotely to China? How much did the speed increase when the server was
relocated to China? Are the connections reliable - we've tried using a VPN
over ADSL but this has been hit and miss. Is V8 any better as it uses a
much thinner client (In the UK I don't need to use TS to run v8 over a ADSL
VPN as the speed is pretty good)?

Any input would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Martin Horton
Group IT Manager
PRD Holdings Limited

Tel: 01902 639187
Mob: 07770 618909
skype: marthorton (or click button below)

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