Over load informer

Is any one familiar with the overload informer? I cannot figure out how to get it to populate a report.

I’m not sure what you mean by “populate a report”.

I assume you are asking about the dashboard on the scheduling menu?
Have you already looked at the BAQ zOverLoadInformer, to get an idea where its data is coming from?

Lindsey - Click the Refresh icon to populate the overload informer. If you have the Epicor Education database & pdf’s, take a look at the Scheduling course for an example to follow with step by step instructions.

Also - Make sure there is something other than 0 for your Overload Horizon in Site Maintenance (and then run the global scheduling process?).

From Help: Overload Horizon

Defines the number of days from the current date the scheduling engine uses to create job records within the Shop Load table. These overloaded resource records then display in the Shop Load Graph and the Overload Informer . You can enhance scheduling performance by setting up an Overload Horizon time frame, which is typically the number of days you manage overloaded resources. You can then use the Shop Load Graph and the Overload Informer to manage overload in the site within this relative time frame without loading data beyond the point you currently need to manage. However, if you do not use these tools, enter a 1 value in this field to load only one day’s records into the Shop Load table.

If the Overload Horizon value is zero, then the Overload Information informer will not display any record for overload resource groups and related resources.

Tip: The Overload Horizon field setting does not affect the Shop Load report. The Shop Load report prints load hours for each operation scheduled for a resource group, and so is separate functionality from the Overload Horizon.