Packing slip not showing up to invoice

I have a packing slip that is not invoicing. It says it is pending when I go to Get shipments Help!

Since the 'Ready to invoice" checkbox is not selected, that tells me that it is not marked as shipped yet in the Packslip. OR, it could have been staged, and the stage is not marked as shipped.

Are you able to open the pack slip in Customer Shipment Entry or Tracker
and see if ā€œShippedā€ is checked?

It is either not marked Shipped or the apply date on your Invoice group is earlier than the ship date.

Vinay Kamboj

i checked the shipped box right away and it was checked. I unchecked it opened it up again and then checked it again and it still isnā€™t showing up

Iā€™ve run into issues like this in the past due to the ā€˜invoice when completeā€™ flag being accidently checked on the sales orderā€¦not likely to be your issue, but maybe worth a look.



In addition to Invoice when Complete, Iā€™ve see a Billing Day set on the Customer (Billing Tab)



I recall there being another setting in the Customer Maintenance to prevent billing unless the entire order is complete. Not just the line, but the whole order.

Indeed, this will check the box on the Order as Ryan showed:


it was invoice when complete! Thank you so much

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Awesome, glad to be able to help!

While it wasnā€™t your issue, weā€™ve had issues where Time & Materials was accidentally ticked on the order line.