PartTran GL Account determination

Does anyone know a way to determine what GL account an entry in PartTran is going to hit before it is posted? I can connect PartTran to TranGLC, but that only works if the entry in PartTran has been posted.

Charlie Payne
Hendrick Screen Company.

The Posting Engine determines which accounts are hit, so the only way I know is to run the WIP Reconciliation Report. But maybe somebody else has some ideas.

Mark W.

Hi Charlie,

Have you looked at the Inventory/WIP Reconciliation report?


Yes, Ken, I have. :slight_smile:

I am trying to write a BAQ to show what our plant expenses are as we go through the month. I’m trying to do some of what the Inventory/WIP Recon report does. If I knew how that report made the connection between the Part Transaction and the GL, I would be golden.

Hi Charlie,

It’s going through this. It’s a lot more complicated that a simple SQL lookup.

Mark W.

The INV/WIP Recon runs through the posting rules to determine the account.

Up until posting, there isn’t an actual GL Account tied to a specific transactions, so you can’t find a file where you will see GL account tied to an MFG-STK tran, as an example.


You can run the inventory wip reconciliation report for unposted items.

But you should be able to predict the account by chasing up the GL control
code chain.

Part GL control codes?
Part class GL control codes for inventory
Product Group for COS/ shipments
Warehouse level control settings
Company level control settings

You go down this list until you hit the first control code.
