Does anyone know where we can find the documentation on what constitutes a change to a PO so that the print order as changed gets checked automatically by Epicor?
We’re finding that it’s not checking after a change. I’m not sure if it is supposed to switch to Print Order as Changed automatically, but I think the users are expecting it to. Maybe it doesn’t automatically?
My understanding of that field is that it changes to “Print Order as Changed” after the first print of the PO. Once you have printed the PO Form once, that field would update and any subsequent prints of the form would default to being a Change Order.
I’ve bypassed that field entirely and mark a PO as revised when a period of time has elapsed between the PO’s change date and the order date.
That’s, admittedly, a blunt way to handle this. However, it fits our process, which might see a PO “printed” one or more times to ensure it adheres to engineer/quality requirements before it’s sent to the vendor, but shouldn’t see it actually modified more than once a day.
Does anyone know where Epicor stores that the PO has been printed? I can’t see any fields on the POHeader that say printed.
I see PrintAs which determines how the radio is set but how is PrintAs decided?