PO Receipts against Jobs

Hello Everyone,

I need assistance in creating a BAQ to display Packslip and PO information against Purchase Orders for outside processing.

The main items I need on my BAQ is PO#, Packslip, Job Number and Part Number.

I get the information but it is not always pulling the PO associated with the Job and operation.

Below is my layout. I am sure it has to do with table association.

Thanks in Advance

Miguel Lopez

Try as shown below, you can display
PartNum from PODetial
PO# , Job Num from PORel
Packslip from Rcvdtl


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Hello Prashanth,
I am not getting any Job Numbers populated on the query. In addition, I need to pull information from Job Operations that have outside processing.
My setup below:

My output below:

Thanks in advance.


If you are looking for historical outside processing receipts to jobs, maybe try looking at parttran which should have most everything, once you find the proper TranType.

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Ok, I will give that a try. Thank you.

Hello Mark,

The part_Tran table is not working for me either.

The issue I need the Outside Operations for selected jobs received within a date range.

I need the specific Operations with the associated purchase order and job number.

On my original baq all data was good but the relationship between Job and Packing Slip and PO don’t line up.

I would appreciate any assistance or other ideas.

Thanks in Advance.


Hi Miguel,

Your dates might be off due to an inspection in between? On PartTran, the TranType into the job is PUR-SUB if there is no inspection done or INSP-SUB if there is inspection done. You could use a constant list to pull both as there shouldn’t be a case of duplicates, the system will either use one or the other based on your configuration.


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