Prepopulate combo box static list - E10.1 Configurator?


I have a dynamic list that works fine on 30 combo boxes – a pclookup of part numbers.

When I hit the “calculate” button I need to prepopulate one or more combo boxes’ worth of parts and then go to the edit screen where the combo boxes are. But there’s always a But.

The part number isn’t valid until you get to the combo box and it loads the dynamic list, so all the part numbers are blank. If you go to the combo box and then go back and calculate it works fine.

I thought about populating the static list for all the combo boxes on configurator load. There is a “Inputs.cmbLegPart03.ValidList” that looks like it ought to be the bucket I need. I can set it and retrieve the value I set, but it doesn’t translate into a static list. Unless I set it, the bucket is empty.

I’m trying to stuff the string in as a tilde-separated string like: “12341234~23452345~3456`3456” and so on.

Anyone tried something like this? Know what the bucket is named? Better suggestion?


Joe Trent

Well, it seems all I have to do is post a question and the answer pops up.

Keeping my dynamic lists and then doing something like this on load:




I was looking for an answer to a configurator issue and this popped up in a search. Quick question, did you add the refresh “On Load” or “On Loaded”?