Purchasing Report

We have the same problem with some material demand droping off and
not showing up in purchasing suggestions. This is a known BUG to
Epicor 'call number 734888MPS', 'Page ID 5946MPS', Duplicated in
Mntech 5.00.329','SCR 2862' since they (Epicor) incorrectly linked
this problem with Append Details they wrote an append patch and
closed the call number. Epicor can turn thier head but the problem is
still there. The work-around we use is to run a report that looks for
undated material demands then we reschedule those jobs and run the
report again until all the undated material demands drop off the
report. You can write a report using the JobMtl table. Any questions
about this issue feel free to email on or off line.
E-mail: robert.e.vanhoy@...
Robert Vanhoy
Has anyone created a report to list job material that has not been
ordered? Thought I had it with the jobmtl.ordered field, but this is
for future implementation - it's exactly what I need.

We are using 4.0 currently, upgrading to 5.1 in summer.

At 09:55 PM 5/8/2002 +0000, you wrote:
>Has anyone created a report to list job material that has not been ordered?

Are you using purchasing suggestions? I think that would be your best
bet. Vantage does all the crunchin' to determine material to order, and
builds a couple tables of the data. Then you can report from those. I
have some reports worked up, if you'd like.

-Wayne Cox

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Thanks Wayne,

We are experiencing some job material that does not show up on
suggestions. We run the various job reports and go through the
material one at a time to determine if it has been ordered. We had
some custom programming done to add a field for "Approved" parts, and
feel this may have something to do with it. (The CP is not working
properly - non-approved parts still appear in suggestions)

The report I am trying to develop is to hold us over until we get
this figured out.


> >Has anyone created a report to list job material that has not been
> Are you using purchasing suggestions? I think that would be your
> bet. Vantage does all the crunchin' to determine material to
order, and
> builds a couple tables of the data. Then you can report from
those. I
> have some reports worked up, if you'd like.
> -Wayne Cox
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]