Query for Dashboard where clause in BAQ Execution

I am trying to read the where clause to do some calculations in the post processing of getlist in a baq. I see the where clause in the paramDataSet in the trace file, but can’t figure out how to access that information.

I am currently trying to save the information using the log BAQ routine that @jawt posted and then read it out in the baq.

Any ideas on how to get to it?


are you SQL or progress?



hmmm maybe i’ll retract my thought. SQL profiler popped in to my head but you are on E9 and that might not get you what you’re after on that version.

I have the where clause in an informational message in the dynamicBAQ.ExecuteParameterized.
It is in the ttQueryTable.WhereClause field.

I just need to parse it and then either store it a UD table or try to pass in the ttCallcontextBPMData.

I got this to work. I put UD02 checkboxes on the tracker view and then passed them in the DynamicBAQ.ExecuteParamatized to the CallContextBPMData and then I can use that in get list to populate the baq results.

I can now calculate any field I want in getlist of any baq. Thanks Rob and to @kentreardon for the beginning of this process.


for each ttQueryTable no-lock.

If Index(ttQueryTable.WhereClause,"UD02.CheckBox01 >= True") > 0 Then 
		ttCallContextBpmData.Checkbox01 = True.

If Index(ttQueryTable.WhereClause,"UD02.CheckBox02 >= True") > 0 Then 
		ttCallContextBpmData.Checkbox02 = True.

If Index(ttQueryTable.WhereClause,"UD02.CheckBox03 >= True") > 0 Then 
		ttCallContextBpmData.Checkbox03 = True.

If Index(ttQueryTable.WhereClause,"UD02.CheckBox04 >= True") > 0 Then 
		ttCallContextBpmData.Checkbox04 = True.

If Index(ttQueryTable.WhereClause,"UD02.CheckBox05 >= True") > 0 Then 
		ttCallContextBpmData.Checkbox05 = True.

message " where clause " + string(sWhere) + " check boxes " + string(ttCallContextBpmData.Checkbox01) + string(ttCallContextBpmData.Checkbox02) + string(ttCallContextBpmData.Checkbox03) + string(ttCallContextBpmData.Checkbox04) + string(ttCallContextBpmData.Checkbox05).
