Report Styles Blank

Epicor 9.05.604A Progress DB

We just refreshed our TEST environment from our LIVE and noticed that we have no report styles in TEST now, even the out of the box epicor ones are gone? The reports themselves are still in the server folder paths but the report styles are just blank. Anyone have an idea why this happened or how to fix this?


DB conversion 130 from the admin tools can be run to repopulate the base RDDs/Styles.

Wow would’ve never guessed there is a conversion for that. Ok thank you for the help, we will try it and I will post the results. I assume any custom report styles we had though will have to be re-done? If so that’s a bummer and still makes me wonder how this data is missing from the db?

If that was the only place they existed, yes. But you can export out of another instance and import into this one if you have it. Or else, you may have to create new styles again to point to your existing reports, and maybe recreate the data definitions.

You are talking about exporting/importing them via solution manager correct?
