Rouge invoice showing up

One of my users is experiencing an issue where a rogue posted invoice keeps showing up when printing out group invoices in AR Invoice Entry.

Oddly it’s only happening on that one user, on any other user printing out the same group this invoice does not appear. Can anyone provide insight on what might be causing this invoice to keep showing up?

I’ve had a user with this problem. Try the following:

  • In the Print AR invoice form, select Remove defaults from the actions.
  • Remove any personalizations from that form.

Yes, they need to go to Actions -> Remove Defaults on both the Mass Print Invoice menu and the Invoice Tracker Print… they saved it at some point with a pre-filled in Invoice. Saw it actually on one of our users a month ago.



I had to go into the systaskparam to figure this out at one point. It was only then that it was obviously storing a default value.

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