Service Connect Raading Email is not working


I am trying to read the email message from Service Connect Input Channel is configured and Connection opened successfully, Can anyone help on this… please let me know if anybody already done it. We are using Epicor 10.2.

Looking forward for support.

Raman G

What exactly isn’t working?

I am not able to see the Workflow been triggered under Inbound Messages which is again under Document Tracking…

Do you have any idea…

That’s still quite general!

You need the input channel, a Message Type, an Action, a Message Map with Request ID and a Workflow. If those are all present and hooked up then at least something should happen and you should see things appear in Document Tracking.

We do have this working, but detailing all of it from scratch is more than I have time for. If you can say what yours looks like then maybe I can spot any differences.

input channel, a Message Type, an Action, a Message Map with Request ID and a Workflow. All are configured still not able to see any things in Document Tracking

And in the WorkFlow In the Start I have selected the Input Schema as Standard ChannelInfoPop3.xsd Schema and I have included a conversion in WorkFlow after the Start, in the Conversion again I have select the same schema in Input as well as output.

Hope this helps, please let me know if you need screen shots

Raman G

If you have all those things, and document tracking is enabled for the Message, then you should get something appear in Document Tracking when a mail goes into that inbox, even if it’s an error or failure. If the input channel is configured wrong then it will also fail when you enable it, which you can see.

Maybe screenshots of the channel configuration and message map?

Message Map Snap Shot


Input Channel Configuration



gmail IMAP Configuration

Hope this suffice…

I’m afraid the pictures haven’t come through. (Edit, this was in my email, they’re fine on here).

But the first thing I notice is that you’re using IMAP. As far as I know only POP3 will work.

Can you tell the configuration for POP3?

Ours is

Listener Type POP3

Scan Interval 15 seconds

High-loaded channel

Message Properties

Code page default

Use Unicode BOM Yes

Acknowledge name default

Sequential default

Asynchronous pool default

SenderName / SenderSubName / MsgType / Action all as per mapping and workflow

Communicator properties

Port default

Use SSL no

Timeout 30

Attachments processing Skip by mask

Attachments Filter *

Conversion ext2int.xsl

Conversion config (Empty)

If we try Pop3 Input Channel itselff getting failed when enabled.

I tried different Combination of Property Settings, for your information I am using gmail Server

Ours is local MS Exchange, so the settings will be different, and I know Gmail is quirky for settings in general.

It may be different since we set up, but for us IMAP all seemed OK but just never did anything, and Epicor confirmed it didn’t. At least POP3 tells
you when there’s something wrong. We had to get our Exchange server configured with duplicate inboxes to use POP3 alongside the user IMAP ones, so I’d guess there are some things you need to get set up at the Gmail end.

Thanks, I got the something in Failed input using IMAP, but really I didn’t do anything let me check what mistake I have done… will let you know.

Thanks for your time and help, when I deploy at the customer side for sure will using local Exchange email server…

For the development I am using this gmail on for testing.

Raman G