Service Connect Solutions E9 to E10

Good afternoon everyone, I was hoping someone could shed some light on SC solutions/workflows and how well they transition from 9 to 10. I’m in a position where a SC solution is needed for E9 and we’re wondering if we should just hold off on developing it until we go to E10 to save some development hours. I’d hate to develop a SC solution for E9 to only use it for a few months before the thing has to be blown up and started all over again once upgraded to E10, but if it transitions well then there’d be no harm in developing it now in E9. This SC solution will have to do with Job Scheduling.


Hey Jeremy
There is a converter that does a pretty decent job to convert the workflows. But like the bpm converter you’ll have to clean up, nip and tuck and remap several items.
Another thing to keep in mind is that in 10 you can use the DLLs vs the webservices
If it were my implementation I’d wait for 10, but that all depends on how your customer wants to proceed.

Sounds like a fair assessment. I agree, it looks like waiting will be more effective.

Thank you sir. :wave: