Shipment Notifications to Salesperson

I received a request to send Shipment Notifications to our Customers that include a copy of the Packing Slip. I have satisfied this with APR. However, the second part of the request is that they want the same email to go the Salesperson tied to the Customer.

I attempted to add the SalesRep table to the RDD (linking to the CustomerShipTo table), but the table did not show up to select fields from in the Breaking & Routing Rule Designer.

The only thing I can think to do is to create a BPM against a BO called during the Shipping process using code/widgets to go work backwards to the Order, then the Ship To, then the Salesperson to get the email and store it a UD field in ShipHead so I can add it to the email generated from APR.

Has anyone ever had a similar request that might be able suggest a simpler way?

Thanks in advance.

If you create a new report style, are your fields you added in the RDD there? I know modifying an existing style with breaking/routing is not easily done (if even possible) if you change the underlying RDD, so creating a new style is preferable

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Let me add the SalesRep table back to the RDD and then create a new Report Style as a test.

Creating a new style did not make the SalesRep table available in Breaking/Routing. Only a handful of tables from the RDD are available to select.

There is already a global alert for this. You can try using this.

Vinay Kamboj

I feel like I just struggled with this myself, but I’ll be, I can’t remember how I fixed it.

I think I had to duplicate the RDD. @Aaron_Moreng mentioned you should duplicate the report style, but I think it was the RDD for me.