SSRS Report Designer Permission (new)

Just a heads up, there is a “NEW” Permission in User Account Maintenance called
SSRS Report Designer which was added… (at some point I’m thinking 10.2.300) which will prevent you from… well creating SSRS Reports and Moving them around and it’ll take you a thousand years to find out what it (I spent a long time chasing the SSRS Permissions in the SSRS Server and hitting my head against the ground trying to figure out why it wouldn’t work)
Just a heads up

I’m sure its highlighted in the Release Notes… but TLDR;


I’m disappointed in you!


Here is the scoop, now that I read the release notes… SIGH


That’s really good to know for when we get around to our upgrade. Thanks for the heads up! (now I don’t have to read the manual!!!) :laughing:


There’s 145 other pages I didn’t cover here LoL

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Been there, done that!

Wouldn’t it be cool if on opening something that’s affected by the latest release upgrade, you got a tool tip with the changes the first time (with a "don’t show me again option)? I don’t think I can get my users or supervisors to read hundreds of pages of release notes, nor can I remember them all!