Storage of Attached Documents - Impact on Performance

I have been asked to check if there will be an issue with us as a company storing lots of documents in Epicor. We are looking at keeping PDF / excel forms against customer records in Epicor going forward.

Can you answer the following please?

  • What will be the impact of this on the application?
  • Will we have to keep increasing the size of the instance it sits on?
  • Is there any way we can automate that certain forms are checked for specific retention timeframes and be removed after 6/12 months for example?


How would you like to store these attachments? The attachments themselves are not stored within the Epicor database itself, so there are a few options depending on your version of Epicor:

  • Within a file system share in your environment
  • Within a Sharepoint instance
  • A Cloud storage provider (DocStar/Sharepoint Online)

The answers to your questions are different based on the choice of storage provider.



Like all Epicor functions… there is set-up required,
DOCUMENT Types get defined (which is slick cause u can secure TYPES per defined user access or user groups)
Security per type (can then be defined)
Subsequently, someone would 'store a document “somewhere” in the server/folder environment…
proper security to store the doc per folder and access thru epicor should be synced-up!
When the Doc-attach is applied within Epicor, only the ‘path’ or link to the document is entered.

Therefore… as long as configuration/security is correct, the document can be stored almost anywhere.
Of course, the folder where the document got saved… would be a folder the user has access to in order to save the doc there, or whoever actually saves the file… if there is extensive document control where a-person manages the hands-on.

As long as the software to view the doc is loaded on the PC where a user is … a user can open it thru Epicor via doc-attach. Depending on ‘what the file is’, normally there is no delay/impact. I have been on shop-floor, at a machine… and cad drawings/other elaborate data-files (quite extensive) have loaded/appeared rather swiftly.

IMPACT - fairly minimal if the Epi-environment is not already constrained
increase size - whatever is stored as files in folders on the server location… the space utilized will grow based on continued doc-attachment
Retention and removeal…
Presume you save doc and perform doc-attach… it’s just a link
You later delete the actual file… 8 mths later
IF… someone in EPICOR clicks on the remnant link, presume FILE NOT FOUND will result!

I presume, that if you are going to cleanse files based on ‘some business rule and timing’…
the partitioning of the storage folders by name might help you. ie: Sales and Quote stuff retained for 6 mths; Job stuff 8 mths; Finance 12; etc. Separate folders would enable a fairly quick WIPE

With storage… fairly cheap, why is there a need to WIPE?


Thank you - I’ve shown your replies to my management and they have understood the situation much better.

To fork this conversation a little (not much)… I have had a situation where I had to migrate from one server to another and ensuring all links were properly pointing to new locations was pretty horrific involving manipulating SQL tables with no user-friendly info. @aidacra, are you aware of any improvements in maintaining this structure of links and file associations?

As of 10.1.400.x there is a module to maintain the links to attachments via Attachment Path Maintenance.


Ask and ye shall receive! Thanks Nathan!

A post was split to a new topic: How to Prevent Save without Attachment

We are currently running on-premise Epicor 10.2.500.7. I noticed in your previous above reply post, you stated that Epicor will work with the following repositories:

  • Within a file system share in your environment - This is what we are using
  • Within a Sharepoint instance
  • A Cloud storage provider (DocStar/Sharepoint Online)

Is online (off-premise) SharePoint instance as repository compatible with Epicor 10.2.500.7? If so, are there any known bugs or performance issues?