What is the best way of tracking Non-Conformance and DMR cost in Epicor E10
That’s a pretty wide-open question. The Quality module provides the logic for moving parts through NC and DMR, and all costs associated with a particular part will stay with that part as it goes through. For instance, if you non-conform a product out of a job operation, Epicor will move that part (with its accumulated costs) into Inspection Processing. If it fails that inspection and goes to DMR, the costs stay with it. At the DMR level you can create a re-work job to fix it, which will add those costs to the part and allow it to be put back into either production or inventory.
The Pending Inspection report will tell you what costs are currently awaiting inspection, and the Open DMR Status report tells you what’s currently in DMR. You can write other queries and reports to gather other information (most people do, the canned reports are useful but everyone wants something different).
If you can be a little more specific on what you’re looking for, I can give you a better answer.