I have a requirement to add a really long terms and conditions to our PO form. Tried it as a footer, and discovered that it really won’t be printable because I had to increase the height of the page size. Any one have any ideas on how this can be accomplished? I’m fairly new so the simpler the better. Thank you so much!
SSRS or Crystal?
We’ve done it in Crystal by adding a giant text box in the report footer (where our T/C are 6 point font) and tweaking the page/print options a little bit to make it work.
We’re working on converting to SSRS - but at the same time converting the accounting/legal guys to allow for a footer comment like “Please refer to the T/C of Purchase on the company website.”
Maybe that’s an option for you as well?
Hi Arlene - We have accomplished this in the past by saving the T&C’s as a image files, save them in a folder on the report server - and then within the SSRS report you can link the image(s) in to the output with an Image Report Item. Similar to what you can do with Logo files for example
Doing it as a footer with really small font looks good on a soft copy but when I go to print it, the print format is really small.
Haven’t tried that yet - the T&Cs are like 9 pages long though in the standalone version with font size 8. I created a custom BAQ report for the language - was exploring the option of including it as a subreport, but then was having trouble connecting the two reports together. Kept getting an error because it couldn’t find the report path.
Hi Arlene,
I struggled with this one greatly too way back when… We have it done in crystal, 5.5 point. I use Excel two cells / one row to create/edit the text and then paste it into subreport that it in the report footer, last page print.
It looks like this:
It’s not elegant, but it works! HTH,
HI Nancy, we don’t have crystal. Trying to tweak this in SRSS - I’ll try the smaller font. I also did modify it to print on last page, but I can’t force a page break.
We implemented a URL link to the company’s website T&C document. The link is placed in the SSRS report footer.
Don’t some reports - the ones that can be batch printed (like ARForm Invoices) - operate in a way that the makes it like a single report? Such that 5 one page invoices print as a single 5 page report.
Adding a “report footer” gets tricky as it has to actually be in the “details” section (sorry for mixing CR ans SSRS terminology).
Hi Calvin, yes that’s the problem I’m running into - the PO form wants to print in a single page. Its too bad there’s no way to force a page break.
HI Mazin, this option seems the most suitable. I’m going to see if I can run it by the business. Wish me luck!
HI Mike, this option seems the most suitable. I’m going to see if I can run it by the business. Please let me know if you get it working in SRSS
I have not tried this, but Mr Google says putting a tablix with one row in it just before the footer, then put your t&Cs in that possibly with an condition to only show on the last page…and if you were using crystal there would not have been a topic created.
I had been thinking about other options like APM (ehem…Docstar?) where you can merge pro former documents to the end of the report, or send as an additional attachment, but probably a bit of overkill for one document. I think Document sender can do that.
I have not had the time to examine all the features of Docstar, so perhaps someone with more knowledge may be able to enlighten me.
Another option is to use APR (Advanced Print Routing for SSRS), and add a “Take” rule that says whenever I print/email a document, add this document to it.
Mark W.
How does that work?
I’m not as familiar with APM - we’ve been using APR more.
HI Mark - I would love more details about this Take Rule.
Sorry I had an E9 flashback.
Marks “Take” rule makes the most sense. Then you can keep the T&Cs separate that way.
Now thinking about it I had a similar project at my last job. Unfortunately it didn’t get finished before I left. That was in crystal and I just embedded a linked file (word) into the report with a condition. It worked well and allowed the business to change the T&Cs without having to have me edit the report.
SRSS doesn’t allow me to embed a linked file. only images.
The “Take” rule requires DocStar for full disclosure. From Help:
Take DocStar Attachment
Use the Take DocStar Attachment action to take a DocStar attachment from a record in Epicor ERP and process it along with the report. For example, you can use this action to retrieve the attachment and send it as an email together with the processed report, or you can send it to printing together with report.
This action is only available when the Break node is used on the canvas. You first need to create a Break node and define break column(s), and then you can add the action for each report.