Updating multiple partplant records at same time via DMT

We are changing the source info for various parts, changing the plant that will manufacture and adjusting the Transfer From site for the others. We keep getting errors regarding “PartPlant not found”.

Have a ticket with Epicor, but it’s dragging on and they don’t seem to know.

If for example, Plant1, Plant2, Plant3 source a part as a transfer from Plant 4, Plant 4 manufactures the part. And you want to switch it to Plant 1 manufactures where Plant 4, Plant 3, Plant 2 now receive it as a transfer from 1, I keep getting errors where it says PartPlant not found.

Any ideas?


Hi Anthony,

I ran a test. I did a change on a mfrd part to be M in different plant (was 20 now 10) and switched up the transfer plant to be from 10. Also, I did a change on a purch part to (was p to 10, now p to 20) and switched up the transfer plant to be from 20. Both worked without error. I was curious if your problem might’ve had to do with not having a method for the mfrd part in the plant you were changing to manufacture from, but we have this and didn’t get an error.

Here’s my data example, run with update only (not on new records):


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Thank you so much for testing. This has been frustrating!
Some of the new revisions don’t have their method completed, true. But… the failure’s happen with purchased parts too, so I didn’t look deeply at the revision issue. I’ll test that line better.

One thing I noticed is your version is 10.1.600.2, we’re at 11.2.200 and cloud.
And I know I’ve been making partplant updates with DMT since Vtg. 8, so maybe new version has a bug?

Hi Anthony,

Oh, that would be a bummer if they broke the DMT here. We’re planning upgrade this year and frankly I do NOT want it to actually be a downgrade.


Epicor did change my ticket yesterday to a PRB status, Problem status. So we’ll see.

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