Vantage 6.1 data collection

Here is our challenge; we have several employees (data
collection/MES) as part of our field services group, they travel to
customer locations and take measurements for bids or make suggestions
for process improvements. Currently the time is recorded
as `indirect', on a timecard, then entered into the system at our
earliest convenience, which leaves opportunities for mistakes and
time unaccounted. These hours are mostly spent prior to a quote/job
being created and sometimes we never actually land the job. However,
we would like to capture the time for the jobs we do win and adjust
the quote/job accordingly. This seems to be a grey area as far as
how Vantage is structured unless we are missing something. Can any
of the 6.1 users give me any ideas on how to handle the time of these
employees and eliminate the paper timecard ( i.e. team dispatch,
individual indirect code, or open monthly customer sales orders)?


Tiffany McDonald
Systems Administrator/CNC Programmer
Richards Sheet Metal Works
2680 Industrial Drive Ogden, UT 84401
Phone 801.621.3341