Thanks Rob, exactly what I was looking for.
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On May 25, 2013, at 3:18 PM, "Robert Brown" <robertb_versa@...<mailto:robertb_versa@...>> wrote:
Enable Change logging on whatever job related table-fields are critical to you.
You an then see any edits (table.field before/after values, date/time edited & user who did it) in Job entry, Job Tracker, etc.,.
Note that if you DELETE a record (say: Delete an operation & create a new one its place rather than EDIT the existing operation), you lose change log history of the deleted record (as the change log is keyed to the original record & once the key is gone, so is the change log record).
We aren't doing it but I can't see any reason you couldn't archive the change log records so deletion of a record being tracked doesn't result in losing the change log for it.
(I'd bet some one out there is doing that & could share how best to do it with minimal overhead impact).
Rob Brown
From: Mike Abell <mabell@...<>>
To: "<>" <<>>
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2013 8:39 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage 8 job change records
Hi All,
Does anyone know if there is a way in the Vantage quality system or other module to track changes made to jobs/operations after they are created?
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