Add EmpId to Job Tracker

Looking to add EmpID to Job tracker under Maertials–>Material Transactions. Thoguhts on how to do this? I know the ID is in the PartTran table, which also populates this area.

I am assuming I should use the Report Data Definition and Report styles for this?

so there are two approaches, 1) Global - that is, same for anyone who uses the form. 2) By user, just for a few selected individual users. Either way, it starts with a personalization, on the Job Tracker Form click Tools\Personalization then navigate to the Materials Transaction grid and under collections locate the EmpID field and uncheck Hidden, then OK then Tools\Save layouts.

If you want it to be global, do the same thing but then create a customization under an user with that personalization, make a tiny insignificant form change and save that, assign the customization under menu maintenance for specific menu location or create a process calling for an everywhere menu change. More on that if you actually need to go there. Try out the personalization first and see if that gets you what you are after.

No, I will just be doing the personalization at this time. Only a handful of people need it and I can show them or do it for them easily. Thanks!