Adding custom column to Kinetic view causes NO lines shown


Have been spinning my wheels for days,
Am Adding a BAQ Field to the QuoteDtl system view as in the write up on this forum. Have reread and adjusted and tried …

Am adding column PartWhse_OnHandQty from BAQ to the QuoteLine. Added custom field PartWhse_OnHandQty to QuoteDtl grid. Brought in by BAQ view dv_Perseus_QuoteLine_OnHandQty.

What happens is when I add the BAQ fields to the QuoteDtl columns , polulate and iterate , the QuoteDtl view always comes back blank. I have but in dialogs during testing confirming successful events. Have add a BAQ view to display the BAQ results confirming they come in. It seems to be in the ROW update that it fails. Also during the datview-filter in the iterate event, loose all the records in my BAQ view as well. Debug after the events shows records in the QuoteDtl and matches view. But none displayed on the QuoteDtl form view.

Added Grid Panel under lines to test display of my BAQ view. Added a Refresh Available button to isolate the Populate and Iterate events, hooked the populate event to it. Loose all records in display of both QuoteDtl and my view after click…

on Kinetic 2023.1.10 , which has an additional field expression on the row update…

Seemed like I was doing what the thread was. As sone as I add a custom column to the default QuoteDtl view , NO records show. Something different about this version ???

started new thread as original was very deep w comments

If someone can share any ideas , please …

I have no solution, I am just posting to commiserate. I thought application studio was supposed to be easier but they have made it damn near impossible to add columns to a grid. I did get this working at one point but when I tried to do it in a different screen, I could not get it working so I switched to populating the necessary data into a UD field which will come into the grid on its own once you add the column for it, no events needed. Silly to have to do that but :man_shrugging:.

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Agreed… I Added a Panel Grid with the Lines and my Baq results underneath the system grid. Really need this to work going forward. Followed all the steps as outlined. Just on a newer version release.
NO errors in Debug screen. VERY FRUSTRATED …
Waste of non billable time. Still hoping someone can help get it working. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Wanna do it in a bpm?

If it works I am game. thanks

Catch me next week.

Cat Running Around GIF

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Ok, before I help, we need to work this part out.

Can you try on a new layer, to just add the column, and post where you added it so we can see?

I had/am having a similar issue on a landing page, where someone else is not, in preview.
When I published and assigned a customization to my menu item, it worked. Pisses me off.

Added PartWhse_OnHandQty from my BAQ to the default QuoteDtl view.

This is the view from the BAQ.

I will give it a try outside of PreView… Still interested in knowing how to do it w a Directive. thanks.

I recreated everything from base. Exactly like the writeup. Tied it to a menu item. Same thing. Lines show up empty. ver: 2023.1.10

When you say that, how far did you go?

Did you just add the fields, or did you go further?

Created the view for my BAQ, added the BAQ field in QuoteDtl view, created the Populate and Iterate events, added the Populate event to the After GetByID event.

Just add a field to the view, don’t do anything else. See if it still populates.

Tried to step through each addition to solution. Stops painting the QuoteLines after I added the BAQ field to the system QuoteDtl view.
WriteUp was done in ver 2022. Am in 2023. :person_shrugging:

I’ll see if I can step through it here later today.

Just as FYI. The latest layer I setup is trying to add a calculated BAQ column to the QuoteDtl Line grid. All previous layer test was adding a table field from the BAQ. Same result, no lines are shown. Appreciate you taking the time to help get this sorted…

Any movement on this? Also seeing the same issue on a 2023.2 Pilot environment. Soon as a column is added to the OrderDtl Dataview, no lines shown at all.

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘epStrEqCi’)
at main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:348:593736
at Array.find ()
at p.overwriteCaptionFormat (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:348:593720)
at main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:348:593643
at Array.forEach ()
at p.overwriteExtPropsWithAdditionalColumns (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:348:593626)
at main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:348:592665
at main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:211562
at c._next (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:207702)
at (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:197300)
at main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:211555
at c._next (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:207702)
at (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:197300)
at main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:215383
at c._next (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:207702)
at (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:197300)

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘model’)
at cg.initializeLoader (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:348:1216109)
at main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:348:1212938
at S.subscribe.R (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:215102)
at c._next (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:207702)
at (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:197300)
at main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:215383
at c._next (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:207702)
at (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:197300)
at main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:211555
at c._next (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:207702)
at (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:197300)
at main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:211555
at c._next (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:207702)
at (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:197300)
at c._next (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:197612)
at (main.4a96d25cee4d977e.js:345:197300)

OP never answered my question.
Did you just add the column, or did you go further than that and try to populate it?

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