We just enabled auto emailing our AR invoices and it is working but every few groups sent there seems to be an issue with how the report is generating. This seems very inconsistent but there are duplicate lines showing, sometimes up to 10+ times on a single PDF. The totals seem to show correct though. These groups are somewhat on the larger side (100+), but I am unsure this is the cause. Does anyone have any experience with this or know of tweaks we could implement to correct this?
The break is on InvoiceNum, the condition is just to check if the email is blank or not.
If you view one of the invoices (that duplicates lines) in Invoice tracker, and print it from there (using the style with routing), does it create the duplicated lines?
Anything special about the invoices with duplicated lines? Like: from multiple packers, had credit memo’s against them, etc…
Next time you’re testing this, first try previewing with the routing box unchecked. And then with routing checked. Dups only show in the Emailed PDFs?
And one last thing to remember. Printing or previewing without routing, generates a single report with multiple invoices. The routing creates individual reports on your break field.
This is breaking on the InvoiceHead table. Previewing the report shows perfectly fine. It is only when routing is involved that this is happening. The ones I’ve seen do not have anything special on them.
This is not repeatable. It seems completely at random. From what I’ve tested it is only when in a group. I’ve sent a handful of single or tracker invoices without issue.
My mistake, I added the customer table to the dataset. It was already there. Strange that the manual preview showed fine but the APR version using the same RDD and report style showed different. Anyways, this has been resolved and thanks for assisting.
Just ran into the same problem myself and wanted to clarify - the line duplication issue presents when batch printing Invoices (whether or not APR is also in play). For me, it was an improper join between InvcHead and CustCnt in my RDL dataset query (the RDD join was fine). Didn’t notice my error when printing individual invoices, but in my test batch I had multiple invoices for the same customer where different contacts were used on some invoices. That’s why I got some line duplications in the batch job.