Automation Possibilities in E10

Please do Bart. We will easily apply the praise “points” to them as well!!

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You need more fiber.

I’m talking about optical so you can browse faster but some roughage wouldn’t hurt.

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@Bart_Elia Trying to run a command remotely using the Invoke-command. For example:

$p = Start-Process "SetupEnvironmentUI.exe" -Action="SILENT", -configfile="D:\Caleb102200AppServer.xml", -LogFile="$newLogPath", -Remote="$machine" -Wait

I get this message in the log file just before it starts to copy the files.
Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in UserInteractive mode is not a valid operation. Specify the ServiceNotification or DefaultDesktopOnly style to display a notification from a service application.

I noticed it’s at the same point when the progress bar form opens open if you were to run it locally.

Is it not possible to run this command remotely? I guess I assumed since I used the Silent argument it would do everything with no UI? I tried other argument combinations with no luck.


You could always make it black printing on a green background.

@caleb.grundmeier You found the same bug we did internally when using this in SaaS. Good news - Fixed in 10.2.300 - SCR ERPS-90962
I had a few Ops folks very interested in that for obvious reasons :slight_smile:

Preferably wait for the story that Bart posted to be fixed or request a bug fix, if you’re adventurous try the following script (this is a theoretical workaround), I haven’t tried it myself but it came to mind when I remembered when I ran into your issue while creating the automation powershell scripts that Bart mentions.

Start-Process -Wait `

-FilePath “psexec” -ArgumentList “-i -h -u "userWithAdminPermissions” -p "secretPassword" "pathToSetupEnvUI:\SetupEnvironmentUI.exe" -Action="SILENT" -configfile="D:\Caleb102200AppServer.xml" -LogFile="$newLogPath"


FYI - @Israel is our lead on everything automation in Azure. I think he is teaching night classes for the Azure folks. :wink:



@Bart - (Ignore Safe Harbor) - Rough time frame on .300? We’re planning our on-prem 10.0 → 10.2 upgrade GoLive in mid Nov, with a mid-Oct CRP, so it’d need to be available in the next few weeks…


The cloud folks are getting the 10.2.300 upgrade webinar next week. I think the first batch of public cloud users will go in mid-November. GA usually happens about a month or so after that.

Mark W.

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That sounds about right Mark.
As a disclaimer, I am not on ERP 10 day to day anymore - I have not been in almost a year now. I am leading up Cloud and automation of everything including ERP so still a ton of cross over but…
@Rich is your man on day to day and we talk all the time but I miss day to day statuses and all. I get pulled in on certain aspects but even if I could give you a better answer, I’d be ignorant of specifics unless Rich told me :wink:


@Bart_Elia so stuck at 10.1.500 for a while here (at least until December) as we do ERP validation assessments for 13485 CFR Part 820 and won’t be able to upgrade until then. The command line help doesn’t appear to be available in this version. Does that mean i can’t do any of this in my version? Looking for a way to automate dashboard deployments after a DB restoration in PS.


You MIGHT be able to use the INVOKE-REST command in PS and do the updates you need in 10.1.500. Of course 10.2 will be more feature complete.

Mark W.

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Mark, thanks! I will be investigating possibilities. We are eager to upgrade but we have to follow a path being a class 3 medical device company we can’t just ‘patch that thang’. But we are really getting a legit dev-ops environment going so restoring a clean environment for QA testing and staging environments will be critical moving forward. Any time we can shave off that process all the better.

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There is another more complicated path too. Powershell can be extended by writing modules. It is, after-all, a .Net program. So it may be possible to use the BO/Adapters to perform certain routines within a module.

This is a fun project however… For REAL FUN, one could write an PS Provider but that’s for the pros. :smirk:

Mark W.

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Mark nailed the response.
There may be a couple back in 500 but I am not sure. After that we started doing more analysis on automation possibilities due to our SaaS Ops team giving dev plenty of enthusiastic feedback to go with the customer feedback we had recorded.
We are releasing our first powershell module in 300, the rest continue to be vanilla cli which can be wrapped in PS.
How far we go in publishing the scripts is an open question I am pushing and exploring. The big question is they are fairly hard coded to our Azure environment so are they appropriate for general purpose ? Also, who else needs 400 dbs migrated? Also how will they be supported? Those are the struggles we are working thru amongst others so stay tuned

Powershell module on ?


Nuget package?
Chocolaty install?

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Silent install for Cloud would be a nice automation until we’re at an all web client. :wink:

Current cli is geared towards server maintenance for self serving reasons of trying to maintain all the tenancies. More automation there and more opportunity to add more features from on premise into cloud.
Other discussions and investigations are always on going