We have a citrix server with everything running on it. Yes, a 28.8 will be
fine if you dial in to the server. If you dial in, the max is 26.4 K. There
are 2 ways to get remote access, depending on how you set it up. Otherwise
the machine you plan on using would be fine
-----Original Message-----
From: Trzaska, Mark [mailto:mtrzaska@...]
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 8:42 AM
To: Vantage (E-mail)
Subject: [Vantage] Citrix Question
Hello all,
I plan on setting up a Citrix Server for about 5 people to be able to
remotly use apps. question #1 How difficult is it to place vantage on the
citrixserver. question #2 if you connect using a 28.8 connection how is the
speed? question #3 what would be the best type of machine to get i
wasthinking of a PIII min 700mhz with min 256 ram?
Any help is always appreciated.
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We have a citrix server with everything running on it. Yes, a 28.8 will be
fine if you dial in to the server. If you dial in, the max is 26.4 K. There
are 2 ways to get remote access, depending on how you set it up. Otherwise
the machine you plan on using would be fine
-----Original Message-----
From: Trzaska, Mark [mailto:mtrzaska@...]
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 8:42 AM
To: Vantage (E-mail)
Subject: [Vantage] Citrix Question
Hello all,
I plan on setting up a Citrix Server for about 5 people to be able to
remotly use apps. question #1 How difficult is it to place vantage on the
citrixserver. question #2 if you connect using a 28.8 connection how is the
speed? question #3 what would be the best type of machine to get i
wasthinking of a PIII min 700mhz with min 256 ram?
Any help is always appreciated.
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83:N/A=540652/?> Paid Net2phone
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