Customer Record - Created By?

Is there anywhere to find who created a Customer record? Looking at the Customer table I find EstDate as the date this customer was established. Then there is a ChangeBy (userid), Change Date and ChangeTime when the record is last updated. Nothing showing the userid of the creator of the record.

Not to my knowledge. Might consider a custom field and fill it out when a new record is created.

I was hoping it was hidden away in another table. I thought about adding a custom field, but it does nothing for the 500 already in the system.

I think if you set up some sort of change log to look at basically any field, it will record when the record was created and you can see who the user is. At least that’s the way in works in part entry.

Still out of luck there though…

It’s no guarantee… But you could imply who created it by finding the first order or quote the customer was referenced on, and see who created that.



Okay, adding with all the answers:

  1. Few tables have created by field by default.
    2.If you find it is not there. You need to create UD field and create bpm to add Session.UserID
  2. For existing record, you can use DMT or create a BPM to work on all record to update UD field. Make sure you enable it only for one time. When the field is updated in everyrecord . Disable the BPM

Something to consider - We went down that path of using change logs for permanent info in the beginning of our E10 system 3 years ago. Now we have many reports that take forever to run querying a change log that’s 25 gb with 33 million records.

We’ll be purging all except for the last 18 months when we move to 10.2.300 in Feb, and are migrating reports with change log fields over to UD fields and BPMs now…


Thanks for the suggestions. However it is not worth the effort for the Customer records. Perhaps it will be useful for something else.

There are many audit requirements for business.
I cannot find out who created, updated or posted records in almost every table.

This should be something built in.

The topic is a bit old, but you can look at it through a BAQ in the customer table there is a field called Changed By and changed Date. They can be useful to determine who was the last one to modify it.