Dashboard to SSRS

Hello All,

I am after creating a dashboard for all products sold to a customer - Is it possible to add an SSRS report to that same dashboard…

You could probably add something to the actions menu or to a button via a customization sitting on top of the deployed dashboard.

You can add a Crystal report both as a view within the dashboard and a link


What you could do is design the SSRS report and add it as a menu item. Then add that menu item in the dashboard as a process link.

Vinay Kamboj

You can with a crystal report I know but not sure about a SSRS report.

Thank you all for your reply - Will see if I can add it as an item first…

create ssrs report with parameter
add ssrs report as url in the dashboard
use tokens to pass the parameter value into ssrs report

search in the epicor application help “create url view” for more help


Thank you…

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