Deploying Kinetic AppStudio custom layer

Can you use Solution Workbench to deploy Kinetic Application Studio layers to another environment or how to do deploy Kinetic customization layers?


When I deployed it in Solution Workbench using the KNTCCustLayer, it doesn’t seem to be overriding the current customization layer? Is there another missing step to deploy it after installing it in Solution Workbench or should it auto override the layer? I did not see my customization after installing the solution.

You will need to verify your layer is attached to the menu item.

Yes, it is attached in the menu item. It is the same layer name that I exported from one environment to the Live environment but the Live environment does not have the new changes on that same layer.

Clear your cache? Close and reopen kinetic? Do the changes show up in application studio?

It’s stupid.
You have to delete the old layer first. It does not copy over it. :roll_eyes:

Thanks that worked with deleting the old layer first.