Trying to use the AP Inv Combined to take data from Concur and push data into Epicor. I can put in one miscellaneous line and drive it to the GL I need but the second miscellaneous will default into a do not use GL setup as a trap. Is there a good information listed somewhere on the DMT tool? The videos provided are just basic and don’t include the combined form.
can you list the fields you’re using?
I have attached the CSV file I have been using. Thanks!
Wow … just looked at the required fields for AP Invoice Combined. That’s a lot.
Do you have any luck if you try just the AP Inv Details (after creating the header)?
EDIT: Have you successfully used DMT for these uploads before?
At first I created 4 templates but I need to drive certain expenses to different GL’s so that is why I have to use the combined. The 4 templates work like a charm but I can’t grab a GL line anywhere except combined. Thanks for your help!
These SQL scripts might help you out for a point of reference on how to build your DMT files. These reference an E9 extract for E10. (5.4 KB)
Apologies if I misread things, what errors are you actually getting?
Do you have any BPMs, posting rules enabled?
I don’t think DMT is throwing errors, but rather some lines aren’t hitting the proper GL
Edit: This was a reply to @Hally
I do have a few errors - the most common is that he input format is incorrect but that can’t be true because it accepts the first GL but never more than the first one. Sorry for the confusion.
From your example CSV,
What is the difference between fields starting with APIHAPInv...
and PInv...
like the following:
You use the “short” ones (like APInvJob#Company
) for the Job related fields, but the “long” ones (like APIHAPInvExpTGLC#Company
) for the misc lines.
The APIHAPInvExpTGLC is the the invoice header the other is just for the invoice line. I have tried both now and neither drive the GL to the proper account. I have sent the example to Epicor Support for some help. Hopefully they can provide me a direction. Thanks again for your help.
We use the columns below to upload our credit card transactions. The line type is always M and the APInvExpTGLC#InvExpSeq column is always 1. When you enter a GL account, you need to use this | instead of -. For example, 1000|00|00
Now I see it. They couldn’t have gone with APInvHed
instead of APIH
One last thing, I seem to recall something weird with misc charges and invoices. A misc charge with line = 0 means, it was related to the header.
So maybe only the APIHAPI prefixed fields can have datat when InvoiceLine=0
i am trying to build a template like the one you suggested but I can’t find the APInvExpTGLC#InvExpSeq line that you said you use. I am working in DMT 10.1 if that makes a difference. Thanks for your help.
Okay that’s good information let me try changing the data to 0. Thanks for the help.
That is weird, I also can’t find it in the template builder but I assure you we use those columns every month and it uploads fine. I just ran the validate column thing on the template and it passed even though it was in the template builder.
We are on 10.1.600. I think when we created the template I grabbed the column from the sample APCombined template epicor had published. We were on 10.1.400 then. Below is the epicor sample template columns I have, I am thinking I probably started there rather than the template builder and just added and subtracted from there. Entire template from Epicor is below. Maybe they have an updated on now you can pull down. Or, just give it a try with the column even though it isn’t in the template builder.
Company | VendorID | InvoiceNum | InvoiceDate | TermsCode | GroupID | Description | CurrencyCode | RateGrpCode | ApplyDate | PMUID | APInvDtl#LineType | ScrDocInvoiceVendorAmt | APInvDtl#InvoiceLine | APInvDtl#Description | APInvDtl#ScrDocExtCost | APInvDtl#PUM | TaxRegionCode | APInvEXpTGLC#GLAccount | APInvEXpTGLC#InvExpSeq | APInvEXpTGLC#TGLCTranNum |
EPIC06 | A-ZM | azm1 | 9/11/2015 | N30 | AP1 | General Overheads | GBP | RateType1 | 9/11/2015 | 13 | M | 100 | 1 | General Overheads | 83.33 | EA | UKV | 8000 | 00 | 00 |
EPIC06 | ABE | abe1 | 20/10/2015 | N30 | AP1 | General Overheads | GBP | RateType1 | 9/11/2015 | 13 | M | 300 | 1 | General Overheads | 83.33 | EA | UKV | 8000 | 00 | 10 |
EPIC06 | ABE | abe1 | 20/10/2015 | N30 | AP1 | General Overheads | GBP | RateType1 | 9/11/2015 | 13 | M | 300 | 2 | General Overheads | 166.67 | EA | UKV | 8000 | 00 | 20 |
@lmeeks - Mike makes a good point - do you have the DMT Templates? If not, you should download them. I’ve got them and can confirm that there is a APCombined.csv template file - and like 50 more covering all aspects of DMT that you can’t find in the UI.
Here is the current EpicWeb folder. Doesn’t look like they’ve been updated in a while…