Epicor 9 BPM Question

I had a call into support on this issue. I was told the BPMs have changed so much they don't convert - I did propose they make a note of that in their install documentation. Also, you will want to be on at least 9.05.603 otherwise any BPMs that have dependent directives will give you an unhandled exception error.

Once you recreate your BPMs in the test environment you can export them since they are in v9, then reimport them as needed (I had to update the directives from 603 to 604a and they all passed). I used copy/paste without too many issues on our advanced codes. It takes quite a while to save each directive (at least a minute in our environment).


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We are currently on 8.03.409C and are in the middle of testing Epicor 905 on a
test server. We currently have about 70 BPM's in place, but when I log into
Vantage on the test server in 905 I do not see any BPM's. Is there something I
am missing? Or do BPMs from version 803 need to be imported into 905 when

Thank you,

Dustin BiniekÂ

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They should come over when you upgrade your DB. If they didn't its not hard
to export them and import them back in.

*Jose C Gomez*
*Software Engineer*
*T: 904.469.1524 mobile
E: jose@...
<http://www.linkedin.com/in/josecgomez> <http://www.facebook.com/josegomez>
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*Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?*

On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 2:48 PM, melissa hietala <kevmel822@...>wrote:

> We are currently on 8.03.409C and are in the middle of testing Epicor 905
> on a
> test server. We currently have about 70 BPM's in place, but when I log
> into
> Vantage on the test server in 905 I do not see any BPM's. Is there
> something I
> am missing? Or do BPMs from version 803 need to be imported into 905 when
> upgrading?
> Thank you,
> Dustin Biniek
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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