Epicor Kinetic Web - Report Print Preview

When attempting to ‘Print Preview’ in Epicor Kinetic in the browser, the report does not download/open automatically.

I can get the previewed report(s) to open a couple different ways:

  1. Open the ‘Notifications’ panel and click on the report’s notification.
  2. Start the desktop client, and as soon as the System Monitor starts up, any reports I have previewed in the browser but did not open, will open all at once.

We recently upgraded from 10.2.500.20 to 2022.1.8, is there some bit of configuration I missed?

For the web-client, there’s a new item called the Edge Client you need to install. It is in the Install/Upgrade documentation if you search for it. I’ve found it a bit…hit or miss in 2021.2. :person_shrugging:

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