Is anyone using the General Ledger Import? When I run it I get an error, “Import file does not exist or cannot be accessed by the server.” We are using single sign-on. I believe this is a file permissions problem, but I don’t know what user account of directory to modify. We’re on 9.05.702A. Thanks.
To get this to work, I did it on the actual server. If I tried it from my computer desktop, mapped drive to server it would NOT work.
I can put the file anywhere on my EPICOR Server and it imported.
Thanks. I was able to duplicate your findings. Now I have to figure out what I want our accountants to do. I would prefer they don’t log into the server, but it looks like that may be the only option.
What process do your accountants follow when they need to import a file?
We dont import…but since I see what I can do now, I see an opportunity. I have some concerns about access tot he server. Maybe I can give them access to a specific folder only.
You may not need my 2 cents, but here it goes….
I don’t know how large your company is but this importing shouldn’t be happening on a daily or even weekly basis. If they are doing recurring journal entries there are ways to do that through Epicor itself.
Find out why they are needing to do this then determine if they should have access or not. If it is a one time or a couple of times a year thing then the IT department can handle it……
M. Manasa Reddy
P: 703.471.7145 x454
We’ve started with a new 3rd party payroll provider. Every week we receive a GL file from our provider to import into Epicor. Without the import functionality, accounting will have to manually key in these transactions.
We use ADP for a payroll provider. We download an interface journal entry, then we insert paste it into a journal. Takes just a minute to paste insert all of the journal lines. We have been on E9 since 2011 and have never used the JE import feature. (Does it really work? I don’t know.) I think you get your JE interface data to export to excel and then copy paste all of the lines (line account, debit, credit, journal description, into your journal, save, print the edit list and post.
MMmm…ok that makes more sense, but there is a way to give accounting access to “their” folder on the server. Let them use this instead of giving them access to the whole server.
9 is slightly different, but I think you can look under the EpicorData folder. There are a few folders, but when one previews a report a folder is created under that user’s name….find that one and give them full access to it….then they can import and export to their heart’s content and you don’t have to give them access to anything else…
There is also a set of folders when one creates customer price lists…to import and export….you can give them access to this….sorry I am not much help as to where these folders are located exactly, but if you check it out I am sure you will find something that is a lot better than giving them access to the server.
Something else to consider….and yes…it probably is a permissions thing….
M. Manasa Reddy
P: 703.471.7145 x454
We enter the ADP payroll data as well. Though I have mentioned Service Connect, we just havent done it.
Thanks for all of the suggestions.
I was able to put the file in my own report directory in the EpicorData folder on the server and setup a UNC share. I could then upload and import the file from my own workstation.
I do plan on meeting again with accounting to see if the paste/insert is an option. This is the simplest solution since it can be done independent of IT.
One thing to note, while I was testing this on E10.1, the file loaded without errors, but the import did not bring over any journal entries.
Thanks again everyone.