We do Kanban receipts, but we use the Primary Warehouse as our location for OnHand.
1) From scheduled Input Resource if Warehouse/bin are configured and the Qty On Hand is bigger than zero. If not. ( Note: Not the Resource GROUP)
2) From Input Resource GROUP if Warehouse/bin are configured and the Qty On Hand is bigger than zero. If not.
3) From Backflush Resource GROUP if Warehouse and bin are defined no matter the Qty On Hand. If not..
4) From Primary Bin for the Warehouse defined in the Material (Job entry form) No matter the Qty On Hand. If the Bin is not defined.
5) From the First Bin WITH Qty on Hand for the warehouse defined in the Material. If there is no qty on hand
6) From the first Bin in the warehouse defined in the material.
Miguel A. Santillan
Compass Manufacturing Systems
From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, October 9, 2015 11:22 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Getting materials to pull from a Kanban bin that has QOH
Good Afternoon,
We're testing out Kanban functionality in Epicor. One thing that has me completely puzzled is how to get the materials to pull from associated KB bin when a kanban receipt is done.
So I have a parent part A made up of children B, C, and D. I have one operation, assemble. I setup each of the children B, C, and D parts within same kanban warehouse, each with a unique kanban bin (KB bin B, KB bin C, KB bin D). When I do a kanban receipt of parent A job, the materials all get pulled from the backflush warehouse and bin associated with the assemble operation resource group (eg KB bin A). If i clear out the backflush warehouse and bin on the associated resource group, then the materials all pull from general warehouse stock location, not kanban. Am I missing something? How do I get the materials to pull from appropriate stocked KB bins on kanban receipt of parent A job?
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