I need help putting a serial number on a job

We had a job that was closed for whatever reason, but the product never shipped. Instead of creating a demand link to a new sales order with that job, the planner wanted to move the serial number to a new job. In the process the serial number was deleted. I know I can create the serial number in serial number maintenance manually, how would I then assign it to a job. I created the serial number and when I go into serial number maintenance I’m not able to retrieve it.

Production Management --> Job Management --> General Operations --> Serial Number Assignment

I worded the last part wrong. I meant when I go into serial number assignment, I’m not able to retrieve the serial number for the job that I want to put it on.

are you sure the serial number is actually deleted?

Prior to me adding it back in via serial number maintenance, I couldn’t find it in the system. Now that I have added it back in I would like to assign it. When I enter the job number into serial number assignment the and click serial numbers, the retrieve available button is greyed out.

Did you assign your newly created Serial Number to a Bin (same Bin that the part you want to match it to is in) in Serial Number Maintenance?


Gotta love SN issues. Are you able to see any SN Transactions in SN Tracker for the deleted SN? Like Paul was saying, I would confirm that the original SN is in fact deleted (I thought it was pretty hard to delete SN’s that were tied to transactions, not sure though).

You are right Adam, you wont be able to delete a SN if its tied to a transaction, but in this case because it hasn’t been shipped and I presume the job not complete then you could actually delete it. In this case have you tried to add it again through serial number assignment, ie press the serial numbers button once in the desired job. Click the create serial number tab, click the add new serial number radio button (under options), then change the number relating to the serial number you want to add. Based on your masking rules it will display the next number to add.

Hi Marsurice,

Sometimes when our SNs get “hung up” we need to make adjustments directly in serial number maintenance. It warns you about doing it, but generally it doesn’t hurt important things like inventory, $, etc.
So, ensure that your fields for a SN assigned to a job and shipped are completed similarly to highlighted below, with your job no, warehouse, bin, pack slip, cust id, ship to id. Then you will see this SN on the job in the serial number assignment screen and in the job tracker.
