Invoice Due Dates not being calculated per Terms correctly?

Our accounting team is reporting we have a new problem in that we expect when we define the terms on an invoice, the terms should define the due date for the invoice but the due date isn’t being properly calculated. Please note we’ve recently started accepting large blanket orders, so we did change something on our end but we don’t see how this problem relates… Specific details are below. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

See screenshots below… Invoice 82542 has an invoice date of 5/5/21 and a due date of 5/5/21. The terms on the invoice are “15% Deposit, Balance Net 30”.

In Terms Maintenance it indicates the due date should be 30 days.

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We figured out the source of the problem. The Payment Schedule was set to 0 days, where it should have been set at 30 days given we want invoice due dates to be set at 30 days.

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We had the same problem. We updated the terms last week, but we got more invoices with incorrect due dates (Due Date = Invoice Date). I just tracked it down to the Payment Schedule on the Sales Order, which gets copied from AR Terms at the time of Sales Order Entry, which get copied to AR Invoice Payment Schedule. So we’re now going through our open orders finding and fixing any remnants.